Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Did U know - Part 2 (The origin of word F.U.C.K)

English Translation

In ancient England, people could not have sex without consent from the king. When people wanted to have child, they had to solicit permission to the monarchy, in turn they would supply a plaque to hang on their door when they had sexual relations. The plaque read "Fornication Under Consent of the King" (F.U.C.K)"

Malay Translation
Semasa zaman England lama, orang tidak boleh melakukan hubungan seks tanpa kelulusan daripada raja.Jikan ada pasangan ingin memiliki anak, mereka harus meminta izin daripada monarki, dan sebagai balasan mereka akan menyediakan plak untuk menggantung di pintu mereka ketika mereka mempunyai hubungan seksual. Plak itu ditulis "Fornication Under Consent of the King" (F.U.C.K)"

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Did U Know - Part 1

English Translation
Did you know when a statue in a park with a soldier on a horse with it's 2 feet in the air means the soldier died in combat. if the horse has only 1 foot in the air, the soldier died of injuries from combat. if the horse has all 4 feet on the ground, the soldier died of natural causes.

Malay Translation
Adakah anda tahu apabila patung di sebuah taman dengan tentera pada kuda dengan itu 2 kaki di udara bermaksud tentera itu tewas dalam pertempuran. jika kuda itu hanya mengangkat 1 kaki di udara, askar tersebut meninggal disebabkan luka daripada pertempuran. jika kuda tidak mengangkat kaki ataupun keempat-empat kaki kuda itu pada tanah, ia bermaksud tentera itu meninggal disebabkan oleh "natural causes"..

credit to BABY_CHITHRA

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